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It looks like that it was a bug that prevented me from inserting pics and the last update has corrected it. It was indeed annoying not to be able to do so since it improves the blog display. I am trying to fix every little detail that annoyed me but I did not have time […]

Over the weekend, I was playing with the french internet provider that gives us 10 Gb location for webstorage. I moved my blog and figured out few technical details concerning phpadmin and url/homedir location. All is working fine now. How could I say no to 10 Gb webstorage. I also bought a 3 m HDMI […]

Always a Runner. I went for a run today. I wanted to get used to drive my parents’ manual car, to go out a bit and to enjoy the weather and the sun. So I went running around the lake near my town. Such a pleasure to get back on my feet. I missed it […]

The astigmatism is getting worse on my left eye, I am quite annoyed by the weird effect. I see things in two different planes. I took an apointment but every french opthamologist is on vacation during August so the first spot available is on September 07. I have to wait until then and endure the […]


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I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon to pratice driving the car and to check around the lake near where I live. It was a nice two hours walk and there weren’t many people because the weather was not too good. I took some pictures also. Very pleasant! It reminded me off my weekly […]

I can hardly close my hands in the morning. The everyday rowing session is putting a lot of stress on my little fingers. they aren’t used to that much effort. I need to strenghten them a little. It is still 14 kms per day of rowing. Looking for a job is painful but other than […]

Busy Weekend!

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It was very hectic but lots of fun. Food and games all day long during 2 days. After about 8 years and half, my little cousines have changed a lot! I could barely recognise the last two. It was good catching up with them since I doubt we will have many of these family reunions […]

very nice song…. Will Young "Who Am I"

10 Years!

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My cousines from Belgium will come and visit us this weekend. I have not seen them for 10 years.  We all have changed so much during these years. It will be a shock to see each other again. I have seen their pictures and they all have grown up. The apartment will be very crowded […]


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"Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" was funny, it was not as good as the previous ones but I was happy to see it. "Terminator Salvation" was not bad either. I was entertained and I kind of liked it. Seeing Arnold Schwarzeneger’s face just few seconds, even if it was just a simulation was surprising.My […]

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