What a strange name for a drug! Anyways this little baby has brought me my very first 18.29% gain in my investment. I also could predict the highest peak before the market fever came down. Indeed it was announced overnight that nimotuzumab has been approved for marketing in Mexico. This stock, YMI, annoyed me very […]

I bought and sold IFNI, and I made another 6.55% gain. It kept on going up though, I could have made much more but I did not want to take any risk. Good Movie I’ve seen: UP and TERRA. Both are a bit sad but with a happy ending and both are animations. I love […]

So I bought CSCO shares and I will sell them today. These stocks came to maturation and I will make about 6.55% profit ~$64. I will wait for the others to reach the same target and I’ll sell them too. My goal is not to make huge amount of money yet. I want to learn […]

Finally my eye problems are fixed now. It seems that my eyes are getting better and my old correction was too strong, both of my eyes went down by almost 1 degree which was why I had a constant problem of focus. My eyes were too heavily corrected. I am glad it is now fixed. […]

I was dead sick the last 4 days and it wasn’t the swine flu. Just a cold that did not want to go away….Bi$%”! It’s over thanks to few antibiotics and good drugs. My dad is back on regular working hours and my brother is starting his new position as a teacher for the public […]

I invested in two stock options on Wednesday and Thursday and made a potential gain of $700. I only spent 15 min reading about these stocks. Lucky! I will split my 5k in short term and long term investments. Let see how things go. I went to play WoW, watched movies and even had a […]

After the heat last week, the weather has been colder over the weekend. I quickly recovered from a very minor cold which triggered a sore throat. It disappeared promptly. Still no news on the job side, probably because I have not sent many applications yet. I am aiming more towards the IT side. I am […]


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This is something that happens all the time in France and I really do not enjoy it. The alternance between hot/cold weather in August, usually towards the end. It makes me sick. I have a red throat and it is a bit painful now! People are always surprised to find me sick when it is […]

Too HOt!

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It is almost painful to go out today. It is heavy, hot and no air is moving around. It is extremely unpleasant to do anything out door. I will not run for sure. I opened a saving account called, PEL, with my bank today. It is a special saving account that allows one to borrow […]

It has been quite hot over the weekend. Lovely sky but a bit too heavy. I ran and my left achiles heel is a bit painful. I proabably put too much pressure on one side as usual. My sister and her BF came back from their weekend at Cannes. Her BF has relatives there. They […]

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