Before the big exam day on 19th of January! I would be so relieved after that. I finished answering last year exam on Trade Mark Law. It was not too hard. I do not feel like sharing my answers with anyone though and surely not with the Indian/British girl who wrote to me. She did […]

I deleted many secondary pictures on my Flickr account. I wanted to wipe out the ones that have no real interest to me and the ones that are of lesser quality. That was a big clean-up since I used to keep too many pictures of people I do not even know and I shall probably […]

Christmas and New Year Eve were boring but relaxing. The advantage of doing nothing is that you can actually relax. I did answer half of the Trade Mark Law exam from last year. I was really cold yesterday and today. The city is all white due to snow. I cooked an Indian and a Chinese […]

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