During 5 months and two weeks I kept on worrying about my fund in Australia, then during the last one month and half it was my law exams. Now everything is gone, the long and insidious nightmare went away. I felt very relaxed and very good the first two days. Now I am feeling a […]

Excellent swim, very fast speed! Everybody was staying out of my way as well which is nice. I took over the private lanes as soon as the squad was gone! Everyone else remained in their lanes. Slow pokes! I had lunch with Amy and we went out shopping. As usual she bought tons of stuffs. […]

Zen Mood!

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Amy’s back.  I was so tired I went to bed around 10 pm but I only really slept after midnight. I was disturbed several times by noises from people going to the kitchen. I think Amy had a loud chat on Skype also. Nothing really matters to me yesterday.  I was zen! No swim and […]

The End!

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That’s it, both of my exams are OVER! I am going to relax and sleep normally again. I was simply lucky. I had all the questions I guessed right.  I do not expect a fantastic grade, all I want is better than the average. Thinking back in time, I remember how worried I was when […]

I was simply lucky! I had a good guess and I got three questions right in the exam. I did not even spend time thinking about these questions. I just spent two hours and 15 minutes writing down my answers and adapting them to the specific cases. I was very happy, I finished 40 min […]

Before I head for the exam. I had to skip swimming today since I slept very late, around 3:30 am.  I would not have ksipped it if I had a day to recover but Intellectual Law is tomorrow and I still need to stay up late to read few things about it. I will treat […]

23:53 pm

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I have finished learning all 6 pages containing 3 exam answers. That was painful. Now,I  will repeat every 10 min each part and take 10 min break until 2 am in order to smooth down all the little holes in my brain. It is not too bad I am feeling more confident now after digesting […]


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I am learning so many pages by heart that my brain is over saturated now! I stopped and I picked 3 subjects that I think will be in the exam. I answer completely to these questions and learn by heart my answers. That is my last minute strategy. I hope I am lucky :)! I […]

Since I started swimming intensively, my hidden goal has always been to get closer to the speed of the Squad. I thought it was very hard to reach their training speed, especially if they do it on a 400m workout basic. I could reach this speed by racing them for only 50m lap few months […]

I am planning on flying back to Paris next week: I will leave Manchester on  Friday 23 (late) and I will come back on Monday 26 (early). The plane ticket seems cheap 112 GBP for a return ticket. It is as cheap as the train but much shorter. The train would take about 5 hours […]

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