Next Step!

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Now that I know that I will most likely end this paralegal formation in June, I can concentrate on my next move. I was a bit uncertain to when exactly I will finish before. The real game being to find a job in the end. Many students here don’t seem to incorporate this fact into […]


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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! One good thing done and no Resit in August! I got my grades this morning and it is such a relief. It is a PASS in both courses I took. No great marks but an easy pass in both cases around 50 out of 100 for a diploma student that I am. For the […]

It is not that great and I understand now why I wanted to finish school quickly when I was a student. I am inherently anti-social by choice and I do not get much out of the social side of students’ life. Yesterday, I joined the hiking club on Dave M ‘s suggestion and I attended […]

It has been indeed three long years of hard training at early hours.  It all started at Notre Dame, only 2.5 Kms back then. Nowadays, I am one of the fastest amateur at the local pool. People have noticed my strange workout. I always have my underwater mp3 player on. Regular swimmers know me very […]

I barely slept an hour or two last night. I was in a bad mood. Sharada, the stupid Canadian-Ghanaen born girl, invited as usual young brainless friends over. One of them talked on her phone in the hallway loudly at 8:45 pm. I went out to tell her to go away. Then the other flatmate, […]

Last week, I have been pushing myself very hard at the pool. I am now at the speed of the Squad. With more lanes and better swimmers in my lane, it is a real pleasure to race them. There seems to be a consensus about extra lanes now. I am partially responsible for these lanes […]

11:30 pm

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and I am still awake! Swimming will suck tomorrow morning and then I have class at 10 am so I cannot even sleep a bit to recover. I really feel like skipping Unfair Competition but it is before the other class and it would be strange to skip one and not the other one. Someone, […]

Herve M

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I have received today an email from my old friend, Herve M. He is a good friend from my time at CPE Lyon, my engineering school. We typically write to each other every year or so just to see how things are going.  A typical french man: funny, easy going, quite optimistic in life and […]


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The day has finally come where the stupid admin at the pool opens TWO extra lanes. I cannot believe it took them that long. It is such a stupid thing. We had lanes 5 and 6 completely open today. Too many people!  I really hope it will become a normal trend. I always wonder why […]

Job Quest!

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March, April, May, June, that’s 4 months left before the end of this formation. I applied to everywhere for a job in paralegal. I aimed at a job in England but the economical crisis has hit the UK very hard so I was aiming at some jobs in Europe. For the 3rd year, I applied […]

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