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Fixing Things!
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Over the weekend, I was playing with the french internet provider that gives us 10 Gb location for webstorage. I moved my blog and figured out few technical details concerning phpadmin and url/homedir location. All is working fine now. How could I say no to 10 Gb webstorage. I also bought a 3 m HDMI cord for my PC, I was tired of moving the one used by the Freebox, plus a new mouse and a fancy electrical plug with 8 inputs…70 Euros!
A head hunter called me on Friday for a possible IT position. It was crucial to him that I was french because of the nature of the job. It seems that it is highly oriented towards defense and security. Who knows! I might end up doing what I am really good atand what I like most: computers. Maybe it is time to make a living with it.
Two months home! I should admit I enjoy the area around my parents’ town. It has developped from a small suburb town into a nice are near Paris with everything a quiet person like me needs…Food is also excellent and internet is very fast.