After the exam last Friday, I was relieved but I was not very satisfied. I did okay I think but I could have done better. I just did not really find the motivation to do so. The reality is that the last four modules are just some random requirements for a LAW degree. Their only […]

It is funny how I’ve never voted in France but I vote when I am abroad. Anyways, I will cast my vote for the green party here in Manchester. The two main parties are in deep shit and they all deserve it! I am trying also to book my flight back to Paris next week. […]

Today is the day I throw away most of the useless stuffs I accumulated this year in Manchester. Empty boxes, school materials, bills, etc…I am a big “thrower” and I rarely regret anything. I used to be more careful but, after I left Lyon in 1999, I have decided not to keep anything. I am […]

Hot Day!

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The weather is just beautiful. It is not too hot yet but I am currently in the afternoon. The coming Friday’s exam is really annoying but I need to prepare for it. Among the last four modules it is probably the easiest one, methink! I managed to find time to do my laundry between […]

That was how I was during the weekend. I played WoW with my brother so intensively that I even forgot yesterday night that it was already Sunday until I saw on my clock alarm that it was Monday passd midnight. I thought the clock was broken…Time flew so fast when you play games. World of […]

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