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I’ve started rowing seriously this week: 13.1 kms for an hour, about 26.8 strokes/min. It is not too bad and I enjoy rowing everyday. I am also enjoying the fast internet connection with lots of mangas I used to watch when I was younger: les chevaliers du zodiaques and Ullysse 31.

Someone is cutting the grass right now and besides the annoying noise it is smelling nicely fresh grass. I am waiting for my exams’ results and I am not doing much besides playing games everyday with my brother. We have not even started day-trading because we spent so much time playing World of Warcraft. He is also losing some money right now so I did not want to add more pressure. We will do that when things go smoothly again for him. He is on vacationg for 2 months and he has an exam on July 1st.

I talked to Aurore yesterday and she told me she was robbed. She did not lose much but she had to install a new lock and the whole thing came ou about 1000 euros. What annoys her most is probabaly the feeling of insecurity.


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