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Nice Weather
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It is very unusual for Manchester but the last few days were really nice. I even had sunburns on my nose from my last two hikes. I could see that my arms are getting darker. Dave M asked me if I wanted to join them today for a day hike in Wales. I was tempted but I was a bit tired from last Sunday’s hike and I am swimming also this morning so I’d rather stay home.
I will fly back to Paris this weekend, and then next weekend, I will have my last vacation in Scotland. Amit, a student from India, wanted to join us for Skye. His parents are rich. It is nice because maybe I can go out with him to try a fancy restaurant. Dave M and Dave E prefer to eat at home. I could cook something nice also. I prefer cooking at home since it’s better and cheaper.
I have to concentrate on my law exams anyways I need to make sure I will not fail. I do not want to come back in September to resit. That would be annoying. So I have two weeks of lectures and that’s it. My time in Manchester is coming to an end, slowly but surely.