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Strange Side Effect!
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Because of the hard walk/climb, half of my body was frozen and sore at the beginning of the week. During the swim, I had to pay more attention to my technique and optimize it. Somehow I managed to level up and I was much faster. I was content with this nice positive effect. Indeed swimming unlike other cardio/power sports is all about technique: 75% of technique and 25% of fitness. This morning, I had another delightful event. I finished my 3kms when the swim squad left. I then moved to their private lane next to mine. The coach was standing right there talking and for other people, it looked like I was being trained by them. I also speed up like they do in a race because I wanted to push myself. No one else moved from the other lanes to mine and I had a whole lane for myself for the rest of my workout. Wonderful!
Coura: Comment ca se passe avec ton nouveau boulot? Comment trouves tu Munich? des news…voyons! Il te faut un blog!
tu sais, j’aurai pas trop de choses a raconter… sur un blog, ca risquerait d’etre jour 1: la reaction 1 n’a pas marche, jour 2: tjs pas, jour 3: goddamnit! y’en a marre de la chimie!