New Laptop!

Filed Under Daily

Finally it has arrived.  Everything is running smoothly and looks very pretty. It will take few hours before it can connect to the internet due to the University’s setup. It is lighter than my old Asus. The screen is very bright and provides real life colors so it seems faded compared to the Asus’ flashy screen. It will take some  times to get used to Windows Vista. I am so used to Windows XP. I will install few games and enjoy my new toy for a while!


2 Responses to “New Laptop!”

  1. Coura on April 15th, 2009 2:23 pm

    yeah! enjoy!!!

  2. admin on April 15th, 2009 3:23 pm

    Apres 2 longues semaines d’attentes, de deceptions et de fausses surprises, ke de plaisirs!!!
    Plus jamais Dell en cas d’urgence… trop long! Une belle machine en tout cas!

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