We had a long chat this morning since she joined the public swimming lane. Her team wasn’t training and she said she needed to train herself for her coming race in June. Probably the most beautiful blond hair I have seen! Perfect body! She looks much better when she gets out of the water with […]

Well after clarification with both Daves, I am planning my trip. I will be on my own on Saturday. I think it is more efficient this way. Here is the plan: Friday 01/05: We leave around 9 am from Manchester where they will pick me up. We should arrive at Glencoe before 5 pm and […]

Who Am I?

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I got along with both Daves but yesterday I had to harden my position. Dave M at the BD’s dinner wanted to measure my willingness to be social when he suggested the idea of staying late next Saturday in order to do social things with the hiking club in the evening. I was very annoyed […]

These were the three funny events during this weekend. The food was excellent as usual. My dad showed me his new toy, a funky powerball. The first time I tried, it was very hard to turn it the right way and after several times, I got a hand of it. Very funny and I am […]


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I will bring extra stuffs back to Paris this time in order to have less to carry on the plane next time for the final move. My skiing jacket is really big and heavy and also all my winter jackets. I really don’t need them. 3 hours of this boring lecture and then it is […]

What would I give to forget this day! It shall come then this Friday, nothing to do about it but accept it. I have seen two decent movies the last few days: Last chance Harvey and Somers town. They are okay but nothing comparable to Scent of a woman. Nothing is the same after this […]

3 Beers Only!

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This shall remain my golden rule for the future. I get headaches when I get over this number. It is unpleasant for the next day. After few days of intense games playing, I am fully satisfied with the Dell performance. I am not too excited about Vista though. Heavy shit that keeps on controlling everything […]

It is very unusual for Manchester but the last few days were really nice. I even had sunburns on my nose from my last two hikes. I could see that my arms are getting darker. Dave M asked me if I wanted to join them today for a day hike in Wales. I was tempted […]

The Lakes

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I went hiking with Dave M & Co yesterday. I am very tired today. I had a great walk/climb again but nothing as hard as last week. We finished early which was nice. We had some good time in a pub as well: Pictures. The movie on Friday was: Scent of a woman. It was […]

Because of the hard walk/climb, half of my body was frozen and sore at the beginning of the week. During the swim, I had to pay more attention to my technique and optimize it. Somehow I managed to level up and I was much faster. I was content with this nice positive effect. Indeed swimming […]

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