It is not that great and I understand now why I wanted to finish school quickly when I was a student. I am inherently anti-social by choice and I do not get much out of the social side of students’ life. Yesterday, I joined the hiking club on Dave M ‘s suggestion and I attended […]

It has been indeed three long years of hard training at early hours.  It all started at Notre Dame, only 2.5 Kms back then. Nowadays, I am one of the fastest amateur at the local pool. People have noticed my strange workout. I always have my underwater mp3 player on. Regular swimmers know me very […]

I barely slept an hour or two last night. I was in a bad mood. Sharada, the stupid Canadian-Ghanaen born girl, invited as usual young brainless friends over. One of them talked on her phone in the hallway loudly at 8:45 pm. I went out to tell her to go away. Then the other flatmate, […]

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