Like a Puzzle!

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My life since last Friday has been like a puzzle. Every single piece seems to fit in the end. Last Friday, during the lecture, the teacher from Senegal had lots of troubles. He could not start the projector and he was loosing everyone with his notes. Students started to get frustrated and few questions pointed […]

I am paying the price for the hike now…I’ve been limping since Monday evening because the lower part of my body is full of cramps. During the swim on Monday morning, my legs were so shaky…like an old man. I also have a huge bruise just below my left ass. I felt on that part […]

On Friday evening, the movie night was very nice: My Best Friend’s Girl. The movie itself was an average comedy but people were nice. Indeed, a new group of British students joined in and they even made pizzas for everyone. Good and relaxing atmosphere for a social gathering! On Saturday, I went to the city […]


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A week after the results, many Law Students are crying on their results and that makes me feel…hum pretty good about myself! Lots of talking about these results one week after because we only see other students  2 days a week! I am just happy I got through because that would suck to have to […]

I’ve decided to do it today. The conversion curve seems to have reached its bottom today. I did not want to loose money over the weekend. It is a matter of 0.02% difference now anyways and I need the money to pay the last part of the tuition and the housing fees. I needed to […]


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I rarely pay attention to stock market trends and the variations of currencies but, for the last 2 weeks, I have been closely watching the Xe website to see how the pounds behaved compared to the AUD. Indeed, I need to do a money transfer soon and I am hoping for the best time to […]

Great Swim but I am exhausted now. The day was quite short, nothing interesting happened besides a nice job offer I found. I will apply to it tomorrow as it fits qute well my profile. Amy is back also and she won’t leave until the end of the month for Easter Break. I asked her […]


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Good, fast and long swim! I am feeling very relaxed today. The pool admin added two extra lanes very quickly allowing me to play like a fish in the sea. I loved it! The best swimmers went straight to the same lane also. We were 4 and nobody disturbed anyone else. We were all at […]

Next Step!

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Now that I know that I will most likely end this paralegal formation in June, I can concentrate on my next move. I was a bit uncertain to when exactly I will finish before. The real game being to find a job in the end. Many students here don’t seem to incorporate this fact into […]


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Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! One good thing done and no Resit in August! I got my grades this morning and it is such a relief. It is a PASS in both courses I took. No great marks but an easy pass in both cases around 50 out of 100 for a diploma student that I am. For the […]

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