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What a day!
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Yesterday was one of these days where I seem to lose all control and behaved like a newbie. At 11 am, after a nice powernap, I woke up and I started my Asus laptop. I noticed several minor problems and I decided to reinstall. The Hard Drive died! There goes the long list of painful events that followed:
1. I used the old Compaq’s HD to confirm that it was the Hard Drive by swapping them. I hurt my right hand using the tiny screw drivers TWICE!
2. I remember that the Asus’ DVD can only read manufacturer copies of windows XP, so I went everywhere to ask for a windows copy. The Univeristy, some shops: cheapest solution was 30 GBP for a reinstallation!
3. I went to town to check for a spare IDE HD for laptops and maybe the price of a new copy of windows XP.
4. It was a big waste of my time and I truly lost my logic! I could have come up with the same results by sitting at home and doing nothing. But I needed to move to think. I gave up and came back home to think. Then came the solution! My old Compaq couldn’t restart when I moved from Dublin to Manchester so I thought it died. I put the HD back and started the old dinosaur! Miracles do happen and it rebooted nicely.
5. Malinda called and she gave me her copy of Windows XP home ed.