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Weekend near Paris!
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I am going home this weekend. Lots of good vietnamese dishes and my little dog, Lolita! After that I will have 20 days break to brush up on my exams. They will happen sometimes in the last week of May if my information is correct. 4 modules of 15 credit each! Annoying!
The change to summer time will happen also this weekend and I welcome it. It is getting way too shiny in the morning and many old and slow pokes joined the pool. This morning I had an old specimen. I do not like swimming with old people. They just do not care. He was slow, he swam right in the middle and worse of all, his swimsuit revealed more than I would like to see of his crack…very disturbing!
Something funny happened yesterday. After ordering my take-away lunch at the canteen, I walked out without paying. I only realized that long after. And I found 1 GBP in one of the locker today. Lucky week isn’t ending yet!