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I picked up my new blue swimsuit this morning. It fits me perfectly. This is not the first time I buy from Speedo’s website so I know exactly what my size is. I’ll be able to show off tomorrow :). I also bought new hand paddles just so that I can use their rubber tube to replace my old ones. I like my old paddles very much. They could also arrive today even though Ebay’s items tend to be delivered a bit late usually.
My computer crashed again this morning. I bet it’s the heat. It is getting really warm the last few days. I lost all Amy’s FRIENDS episodes which were on the C drive. But I downloaded new ones and I realized the quality of her files weren’t great. I’ve easily found DVD rip of FRIENDS on internet. I think Amy found hers on some torrent sites. The flat is so quiet without Amy. I like her but I really do not miss her phone conversations.
I talked to Aurore yesterday. Life is still very stressful on her side but I think she is used to it now. She does not like her job at Lapeyre but she cannot quit it because of her mortgage. She wants to work for 2 years and get a full sabbatical year off to travel.
I’ll fly to Paris this weekend. Good cuisine in perspective :)! Quiet beginning of the week with not much worries.