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I am learning so many pages by heart that my brain is over saturated now! I stopped and I picked 3 subjects that I think will be in the exam. I answer completely to these questions and learn by heart my answers. That is my last minute strategy. I hope I am lucky :)!
I really thought back in May 2004 that the defense of my PhD thesis was the last exam in my life. Look at how life is treating my certainties and plans! I hate life!
bonne chance pour Lundi!
Au fait Coura, tu ne seras pas la pour me coacher comme pour le Phd!! Dommage, j’aurais passe haut la main cet exam avec ton aide! Tu m’as bien fait travailler pendant une semaine complete a repeter la defense. Geez!
goog times good times 🙂
Ne t’en fais pas, ca sera vite fini et tu te debrouilleras tres bien, aies confiance!