Back to Paris

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I am planning on flying back to Paris next week: I will leave Manchester on  Friday 23 (late) and I will come back on Monday 26 (early). The plane ticket seems cheap 112 GBP for a return ticket. It is as cheap as the train but much shorter. The train would take about 5 hours and 30 min! The plane only takes 3 hours. I just wanted to see my dog, Lolita, one last time just in case I am staying in the UK. I also wanted to take some pictures of her with my Nikon D200. It might be a bad timing since it is very cold in Europe now but I don’t think I have time to plan anything else after the semester starts. Even though things have been hard to handle during this transition period, the outcome is not too bad so far. There were good surprises that were unexpected on the way.


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