There is nothing worse for an artist than the judgment of being false or not being true to his or her natural talent. I can indeed record my images as RAW and then use a program to optimize the light spectrum. It is not really “cheating” as if u were to change things using Adobe […]

I really enjoy Mt Cootha and I spent lots of my tim etoday trying to get the perfect pictures. I did get some nice ones with the birds..vey cute!

I went out last night with friends from the hiking group to the first social event. The restaurant was really nice, completely packed. The entire street was full of life and nice little restaurants. I never ventured too far away from Toowong or Indooroopilly …sometimes in Auchenflower near the city. I would warmly recommend Oxford […]

10 years ago, after passing the french national selection math/phys/chem exam, I thought back then that my life will soon be stable and take a normal course. 10 years after I find myself still struggling to find my place in the real world. When will this perpetual struggle end? I kept on telling myself as […]

Some nice natural photos during my vacation


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I officially and publicly announced my departure date: March 31 2008. I was very happy today when I stopped in the middle of the fast lane for my last swim lap. As the drops coming from the morning rain felt on my face, I enjoyed few seconds of peace and joy: I was indeed relieved!

Such a pleasure to swim in a fresh river in a tropical forest. I do not know any better things to do right there. My poor fellow hikers are too picky about how they look to be natural.

My Golden Cage!

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After March 31 2008, my life will be taking a new direction. I will leave my pseudo comfort zone, my “golden cage”, for an unknown new path. Every time my life has changed dramatically, it’s always been for a better way of life. I am hoping it will continue. I came to like Brisbane as […]

I went to bed at 7:30 pm, woke up around 11:50 pm and could not resume my beauty sleep until 1 am. I am tired! I had a bit of a hang-over because I finished the sparkling wine bottle all by myself. I believe it disrupted my sleep. Note-to-self: do not get DRUNK at any […]

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