Very very bad weather today! I m going to be mean but I am glad it is as bad. Indeed, my flatmate’s guest is finally leaving and he left early. His flight’s at 6 pm but he left at 11 am. I hope he will “enjoy” the rain and the wind all day long :). […]

I pick up on these on a stranger extremely quickly and I am used to focus on them intensively. One of the dirtiest and most horrible habit with people who smoke is their frequent hawking habits (expectorate noisily and spit after). I really cannot stand this! My flatmate is having a guest and he kept […]

Damn right! For the very first time in my life I am attaching my hair in the back. My face has completely changed. My flatmate, Claire, said I have beautiful hair. If she only knew how damaged they are because of the chlorine! It is a tiny pony tail for now but as I said, […]

I started this blog 8 months ago and it is still up! I never thought I would enjoy writing a blog. The fact I own the Nikon d200 has greatly helped with adding photos to the blog pages. As soon s I can I will add new personal pictures. My long hair has completely changed […]

Everything is as normal now. I stopped for two weeks my job applications, I did two school applications. It was a bit tedious to put all paperworks together but it is finished now. It requires so much motivation to do these things. They seem easy but they are not all! Coura and Aurore helped me […]

My last paycheck will come this Wednesday. It will conclude my Australian adventure once and for all. No regrets! I left with pretty pictures and a good amount of cash in my bank account. Enough to manage a long and hard transition! The hardest I have ever done in my life. Funny thing is that […]

Long day!

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1. Australian visa: I went to the doctor and took an X-ray to finalize the Australian visa.  Waste of my time! Cost: 155 Euros 2. Bank transfer to the owner Another stupid story! Hopefully it will be the end of it today. All this because of the address mistake. I do not want to think […]

in my hand and listening to these songs: "Sing" from Travis "Stop and Stare" From OneRepublic

This is indeed my situation right now. It is rather uncomfortable since I do not know what I will be doing in the next months. So many crazy ideas, fears and hopes come each day. After the interview I was much more relaxed. I guess this is part of the learning process. You go out, […]

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