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An old lady at the pool complained with the staff about a poor dude who grabbed her leg while doing backstroke. The poor chap has a bad style and large arms span while doing the backstroke arm move. She should be honored at her age having her leg grabbed by a man, methink!
I like the shower in my room and at the pool. Compared to the tiny little flow I had in Dublin, this is like heaven on Earth!
My superannuation fund has not arrived yet and it bothers me. 5 months in total!
Sandeep, an Indian born British girl asked me if she can join my revision team with Chebet. I laughed since we have not started yet and I have not found the courage to open my books. But I know how to get a A :). Let’s just find the courage today to apply my plan!
I installed and played Civ 3 again. It was fun!
I lied to a hiking buddy who asked me if I wanted to go hiking on Tueday to the Peak District. The weather is so bad and I enjoy doing nothing that the only idea of spending a full day hiking is killing my joy! I replied in an email saying I got the flu :). It was a white lie. I did not want to hurt his feelings and I am sure he was happy not to go also but he would get upset if I just said no!
I promised myself never to lie to people, but I think when the purpose of the lie is not to hurt people and it gets me out of trouble…WHY NOT?
The GBP currency is going down…. YIPPPPIE!