I am very quiet most of the time and I attract attention because of my unusual look and behaviors. After the hike on Saturday, I went to talk to the other photographer in the bus and I complimented him about his beautiful pictures and asked him about his filters and everything. He was delighted!

Today, I have also spoken to Jane, the fastest girl in the pool. I complimented her about her technique and her speed. She was all smiling and happy. After I left the pool she approached me in the shower and gave me tricks to go faster. I told her I am only swimming to relax, that is why I have a regular speed and I do it for a very long time. Anyways, the compliments work great on people. I should do it more regularly 🙂

I checked the other day my passport and I realized it will expire in 2014 and not 2010. For some reasons, I stressed out about it when I was in Dublin. Stupid me!


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