23 kms: 2 peaks up to 1130 m with a marathon runner, a cyclist, a swimmer/basketball player and other unknown athletes with unlimited stamina! Well I was quite humble during the hike. I was at the front of the hike with the cyclist who did not say a word but seemed to be doing fine […]

My blog is now one year old! It has changed so much since it first started. I never thought I would hold that long and I kept it updated quite regularly. It also has become easier for people to follow whenever they feel like my whereabouts. It is stored on Eno’s Slackware box somewhere in […]

It looks like that people at the pool started to realize  I am a bit faster than them. I was very surprised yesterday to find my lane almost empty and the lane next to me full of medium swimmers. Today almost only fast swimmers were in my lane, and slower ones were kindly letting me […]


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I managed to finish my TODO list of the week: 1. ask my advisor about the possibility to convert my PgDip to LLM (Master) in IP 2. Look for a dentist to do dental cleanings (scale + polish) 3. Update my CV and answer an offer sent within the school I was happy about the […]

I went hiking on Sunday. It was nice but Borrowdale is very much like Keswick since they both are in the Lake District area. So a feeling of “Deja vu”: Borrowdale. It took again 12 hours. I am not sure I want to spend that much time hiking and taking pictures. I am sure I […]

I had an exam yesterday and it was not too bad. I fully answered the case part and I think I did very good understanding the case and analyzing it. The other part about general knowledge was not good but I can easily fix that in the future. Law is not hard. It is about […]

After two weeks and half in Manchester I can say I am fully installed, a quick financial summary: 1. 9 Months tuition: 3390 GBP 2. 40 weeks housing fee: 4110 GBP 3. 12 Months Swim membership: 120 GBP 4. Hiking: 150 GBP Total: 7770 GBP (9950 Euros) I have not estimated my food and other […]

I was so worried about this supperannuation cheque that was supposed to be posted to my Irish address a month ago that I called Unisuper this morning. The cheque was sent to an Australian bank that was supposed to convert it into Euro. Because of the international turbulence, it took a bit longer. I am […]

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