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Quiet Weekend!
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No Hiking with the Uni club but Hiking with Couch Surfing people in Manchester this Saturday. I wish I did not commit because the weather forecast does not look good and it is a pain to walk in the rain and with gusts up to 55 mph! I wanted to meet some Couch Surfers in Manchester anyway. They are all newbies concerning hiking so probably no long and painful hikes! What a shame because Sunday looks alright but some of them already bought their tickets! I will never commit again 4 days before an event so that I can check the weather forecast.
Law is boring to death. I need to be careful and not let myself fail any exam. There are resit sessions in the summer but I do not want to retake an exam. The passing score being 40%, I should be able to manage it! My new french credit card should arrive on Monday, I am starting to run out of cash. I did not want to make a banking transfer from Australia because the AUD is pretty low compared to the GBP right now!
Amy’s BF seems quiet, I have not heard anything from them yet…GOOD!