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A Scary Thought!
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Monday night at 11 pm, I received a SMS from a team leader in the hiking group asking me if I have lost anything in the bus. I confirmed it was my Ipod. Suddenly I had a very uncomfortable thought. Usually when I move, I used to put a very important personal file called memo.txt on my Ipod. It contains every single information about me: banking access, Social Security number, Ebay, Paypal accounts, etc… and also very important emails kept over the years, etc… Anyway, a person having access to this file could have done a lot of damages if it was her/his intention. I usually never carry this file on my Ipod, it is on my local Hard Drive in my room or on my yahoo email account. I could not sleep overnight. I recovered the Ipod and I was happy to see that it was virgin. It had nothing important on it. I indeed had to burn an ISO file of Windows XP and I had to wipe out all the files on the Ipod.
I returned the new Ipod and I was happy. I also accidently blocked my french credit card because I forgot the code and I typed it twice. I called them and they will reissue a new one. How annoying this stupid credit card is!