Too Windy!

Filed Under Daily

For the hike on Sunday, it was too windy. We reached the top but came back quickly the same way. No pictures could be taken!  I am happy I survived and came back in one piece. Not much fun! Everyone had their own climbing buddy so they stayed among themselves. I did not care much. I came, climbed and went back alone. I was tired, wet and my boots were full of mud! Was it worth it?  I do not think so! I am happy I did not even think about joining their long weekend hike: 3 days in the wild! One day was more than enough!

I lost my Ipod Shuffle just when I came out of the bus to go home :(. I bought a new one with 2gb storage. I broke my headphone over the weekend too. I had to buy another one as well. Stupid Total loss for the weekend: 42+24= 66 GBP. Such is life!


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