The Good Things!

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Since I arrived, I have been extremely stressed and that has visible consequences on my health: a second herpes and two cold consecutively. I  am still recovering from the second one. I kept on coughing. There are good things that happened to me though. I was worried about the tuition fee that turned out in the end to my favor. It is a huge saving. It also allowed me to apply for the student residence here because of my “international student status”. So I was comfortably assigned a room. I have 5 quiet and clean flatmates and we get along. I like Amy very much because she has been a good friend. We did many things together. My weekends are quite busy with the UNI Hiking club, the team leaders do not like me much because I was careless about their rigid rules but also because of my eccentric look, long hair, transition glass and a fancy camera. But people I went hiking with liked me. I usually had a good time hiking with them. The other day I paid 10.35 GBP and the cashier gave me back 10.10 GBP. I smiled and took the extra cash and went away. I also could exchange a book for a newer edition and I only had to pay the difference yesterday.

As time pass by, I am getting used to Manchester, this big jungle! Things are nicer also at the pool. All the fast swimmers are now organised and we swim together whenever we can.

I kind of like Manchester now.


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