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A Good Laugh!
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I was quietly having my dinner in the common kitchen room when Rafiq came in. We started chatting and he mentioned about the noises made by his neighbor next door: the moaning and the banging she made with her newly found BF. I laughed hard and it felt so good to laugh that much. I knew immediately when I met all my 5 flatmates who might be the troubled one. I was right on concerning Cat.
She already gave me troubles because she kept on throwing her trash in the common kitchen bin. I had to put up a sign and asked everyone explicitly not to throw their personnal trash in there! Now she is making noises and she annoyed Rafiq. I am so glad my room is not next to hers! Amy is having her BF next week from the 22nd of October for 9 days. I hope Amy and her BF won’t be noisy!