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Little things in my life!
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After a challenging hike on Sunday, my body is again broken. I should not underestimate the dudes and the chick who were in Hike 1. I hope they are enduring the same pain. I went shopping with Amy, my flatmate next door. She is kind and looks all fancy and sexy. She has a great touch with old men because of her natural forms. Anyways, I met two old bastards, one around 40 and the other around 55 complimenting me and telling me how lucky I was to be with her!!! We both laughed. Amy is strange. She kept on attracting old men.
Today I had a great swim with very fast swimmers and I matched their speed! Weee!
I met my other flatmate’s one night-stand also. It was strange to see her with a new man after seeing her boyfriend last week. He came for her birthday. How kind of her :)!
tu me fais marrer Pierre!! Les vieux sont des perverts, la chair fraiche les fait saliver…c’est pas sa faute a Amy :):)
Well…Amy has a BF who is very much older than her :).