My last coin!

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I was waiting and waiting for the AUD to go higher compared to the Euro and it would not happen. So in the end, I had to transfer money from my french bank instead! But I did it last Friday so I was a bit short on cash during the weekend. Also the expensive trip […]

It has been 6 weeks now that I am in Manchester and things have started sadly in a bad way for me. I kept on running into awkward situations and people would be more or less rude to me.  So I tried to be as simple as I could and disappear in the crowd. I […]

I had two very hard hikes consecutively! Capel Curig last Sunday was very windy and Langdale this week was very wet. I really thought I had no “acceptable pictures” from Capel Curig but I did have some decent ones. I felt very good after though. Yesterday it was very nice on the social side. Everyone […]

No Hiking with the Uni club but Hiking with Couch Surfing people in Manchester this Saturday.  I wish I did not commit because the weather forecast does not look good and it is a pain to walk in the rain and with gusts up to 55 mph! I wanted to meet some Couch Surfers in […]

Monday night at 11 pm, I received a SMS from a team leader in the hiking group asking me if I have lost anything in the bus. I confirmed it was my Ipod. Suddenly I had a very uncomfortable thought. Usually when I move, I used to put a very important personal file called memo.txt […]

Too Windy!

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For the hike on Sunday, it was too windy. We reached the top but came back quickly the same way. No pictures could be taken!  I am happy I survived and came back in one piece. Not much fun! Everyone had their own climbing buddy so they stayed among themselves. I did not care much. […]

Since I arrived, I have been extremely stressed and that has visible consequences on my health: a second herpes and two cold consecutively. I  am still recovering from the second one. I kept on coughing. There are good things that happened to me though. I was worried about the tuition fee that turned out in […]


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Very strange sound and very beautiful: Little Motel by Modest Mouse Sexy song: Talk to me by Ringside

I was quietly having my dinner in the common kitchen room when Rafiq came in. We started chatting and he mentioned about the noises made by his neighbor next door: the moaning and the banging she made with her newly found BF. I laughed hard and it felt so good to laugh that much. I […]

After a challenging hike on Sunday, my body is again broken. I should not underestimate the dudes and the chick who were in Hike 1. I hope they are enduring the same pain. I went shopping with Amy, my flatmate next door. She is kind and looks all fancy and sexy. She has a great […]

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