I wish time goes faster. I am so impatient to be in Manchester and start something new. That’s the first lesson from this “life change operation”, it takes time! There is nothing to do here but swimming and this continuous rain is really annoying! There is no more good and new movies to watch. I […]

Big Mouth!

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I am known as a “big mouth” person when it comes to social relationship. Today, when the owner of the apartment came to talk about the bond and the conditions of my departure, her husband, herself and one of my flatmate could “enjoy” my simplistic and direct way of speaking. The tone of the conversation […]

To be able to shave normally again! Bye Bye Painful Blisters! Friday relaxing evening for me. The room is clean, the drawers are empty, the box is made, and finally the transition promises to be smooth. I also sent a SMS to the owner asking for my bond. This is always something tricky to recover…we […]

I cannot believe I could accumulate so much trash only in 5 months and half. Nothing dramatic and nothing I will regret later though. Looks like everything fits nicely in the luggage and one box to be sent by mail next week. Let’s hope the move will be smooth. It is not hard to fly […]

About 40 kg is mine. I should find a place to store my pictures. Loosing my data is my biggest worry. I can replace almost everything else but my pictures. I was so tired today after yesterday’s swimming performance. If I was drilling the water the day before, today I was hammering it hard! It’s […]

Packing time!

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I will try this time not to throw away 90% of my clothes. Thanks to the “discount courier service” I might be able to ship the extra kilograms in one box. Only 12 days before I leave Dublin. Dublin and Ireland in general has made it to the bottom of my list of big cities. […]

I’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time. Today was THE DAY. The fastest member of the team squad started to eat meter by meter the gap that separated us. I expected him to pass me with every lap that went by. This moment never came and we swam for 3 kms. […]

Since 1999, the year I arrived in the US, I have discovered for the best and the worse the usage of the World Wide Web: INTERNET. I’ve become extremely good at surfing the internet and finding everything I wanted. Even though I have not found happiness using it, I have found ersatz to my social […]

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