Phone SIM card

Filed Under Daily

Because of the existing competition between phone providers, every time you get a new SIM card, you pay 10 GPB for it and you get 10 GBP extra as reward. If I keep on changing provider every time I am done with my units with one company, I can get another cheap SIM card from another one. I am thinking about doing it. The only inconvenience is my number that will change.

I bought some Strepsils for my cold. It was a very relaxing weekend. No Sport at all. My body was completely broken due to the luggage carrying and the viruses. I am also glad I have a very clear schedule for next week. Nothing important but at least I know what to do.

Postgrads here can be of any age. It is quite nice. I do not look old for my age and I fit in easily.


2 Responses to “Phone SIM card”

  1. Coura on September 22nd, 2008 11:23 am

    Passe moi ton tel une fois que tu es fixe..

  2. admin on September 22nd, 2008 6:42 pm

    Salut Coura,
    C’est fait! Je t’ai envoye un email avec mon numero. Ce n’est evidement pas le moyen le plus pratique pour me contacter…SMS et emails sont les meilleurs moyens 🙂

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