Time to GO!

Filed Under Daily, Hiking

Well in 2 hours I will take the plane to go to Manchester. Everything ended very smoothly here. I swam for the last time in the big swimming pool and I had a lot of fun. I pushed myself as hard as I could and it was awesome. I went hiking last Saturday and the weather was exceptionally good: Flickr.

Now the stress of the airport check-in! I hope everything will fit and I do not have to throw away anything or pay extra for luggage excess. My room is waiting for me in Manchester as well. Maybe with a bit of luck the internet will be up and running for me! We shall see in few hours.


5 Responses to “Time to GO!”

  1. Coura on September 16th, 2008 9:12 am

    Welcome to Manchester!!!

  2. admin on September 16th, 2008 6:35 pm

    Merci, Coura!
    Ton IP change tres regulierement. Tu utilises internet dans un cyber caffee au Senegal? Mes premieres impressions de Manchester sont tres tres bonnes!

  3. Coura on September 16th, 2008 9:45 pm

    C’est bien! Mes questions sont les suivantes:
    1. As tu pu localiser la piscine? 🙂
    2. Est ce que Claudia sait nager? :)))

    PS: J’utilise internet a la maison.

  4. admin on September 16th, 2008 10:20 pm

    La piscine est juste a cote, c’etait la premiere chose que j’ai localise avant de demander la chambre. Claudia etait sur le chemin pour rencontrer son petit ami ;).

  5. Coura on September 17th, 2008 1:47 am

    Ah mais no one is irreplaceable 😀

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