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Since 1999, the year I arrived in the US, I have discovered for the best and the worse the usage of the World Wide Web: INTERNET. I’ve become extremely good at surfing the internet and finding everything I wanted. Even though I have not found happiness using it, I have found ersatz to my social life. Everything is “easier” on internet, you can say whatever and be whoever you want. Most of the time I stay very sincere to myself, maybe too much sometimes! There is a risk of disconnection with reality and it has become a real burden to me. Staring at two dark screens all day long is not very healthy. I would like to be less dependent of internet. Social life might not be as fun most of the time for me, but I should deal with it in different ways than trying to escape or ignore it completely.
In the end, I went to the CS Hiking event on Saturday. I had a very good time meeting new people and walking for a whole day. I took a lot of pictures and I posted them on Flickr. I did not have many pictures of myself though :(. I need to meet people with fancy SLR cameras and also someone who would take my own pictures. We went to a restaurant/bar in Dublin after the walk and I had my very first GUINESS. It was not bad but I prefer a Heineken.