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When will this rain stop? I am quite certain the answer is NEVER but I have hope! Boredom invaded my spirit, this is one of these transition time again in my life.

The people who asked to come to check the place did not come, I understand them since it was raining. I had someone ringing at the door. It was a lovely girl who wanted me to help people who were deaf but  I was too defensive, I should have invited her to have a cup of tea or coffee. I told her I am leaving soon Ireland and I cannot help  her. She was so lovely that she made me feel bad. o well .. life is hard!

Someone directly asked me about my finis mp3 player. I was glad to show the dude how it works!

Last thought of the day: I should have asked the girl if she wanted a cup of tea. It did rain a lot and to do what she did, she must have a shit load of good will. What a shame I was too scared to offer.


2 Responses to “Despair!”

  1. Kegel on August 13th, 2008 12:57 pm

    Yeah dude if you cannot help deaf people, at least help lovely girls showing up on your doorstep! I bet she never heard that before ‘Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?’ 😉

  2. Coura on August 29th, 2008 10:01 pm

    I agree a 100%. Never turn down a lovely girl :):)

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