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I think I improved each of my swimming lap by 2 secondes. Meaning I am doing now the 6 kms in 1 hour and 40 min (50 sec per lap). Below the 50 sec per lap I am officially a fast swimmer. I felt very tired this morning after achieving this fast personal record. I […]

At 7:30pm yesterday, the internet went down again. I was so angry at the internet company. They finally came and fixed it after these painful days and it stopped working after 6 hours. I wanted to kill someone. I called the help desk and I was about to unleash my anger but the girl at […]

Accidents and catastrophes always managed to occur at a very bad time and the last major drama did occur on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend since Monday was a holiday here in Ireland. NO Internet on FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY. I was going to get a depression! Someone managed to unplug […]

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