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Rain all day!
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Very very bad weather today! I m going to be mean but I am glad it is as bad. Indeed, my flatmate’s guest is finally leaving and he left early. His flight’s at 6 pm but he left at 11 am. I hope he will “enjoy” the rain and the wind all day long :). I am really mean. After he left , I tried to get rid of the bad smell of his deodorant that got stuck to all places he touched. Very bad and cheap deodorant that even gave a headache to my flatmate. A total lack of taste! Some people tend to pour the whole bottle. So the man who hawks and who uses bad deodorant is GONE! Weeeeeeeeee! I do not think he likes Ireland. He left deceived!
I have been officially jobless since Monday and it does not really make any difference. I swam today with two very fast swimmers because the pool was very crowded. I was very fast and very tired but I was also very proud of myself. I can hold against the best for quite some times. If they try to pass me they will have to stop after.