People’s tics and dirty habits!
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I pick up on these on a stranger extremely quickly and I am used to focus on them intensively. One of the dirtiest and most horrible habit with people who smoke is their frequent hawking habits (expectorate noisily and spit after). I really cannot stand this! My flatmate is having a guest and he kept on hawking everytime he is home. That bothers me so much! People who cough annoy me also because of strong smoking habits.
Have you ever looked at a person’s face? They tend to move their nose like chimps, I saw two Asian dudes on the bus the other day and one of them really makes regular chimp faces. I laughed at these weird things. I have some repulsion nowadays when I am close to Chinese people. I was next to one specimen the last three years and I had enough of my share of dirty things. I had the pleasure to witness everyday the dirtiest things: hand in the pants and playing with the weenie, nose picking, hawking, chimp facial expressions, and finally, worse of all, problem with the nose that compiled him to make a strange noise every few minutes. When I needed all my concentration some days, these strange problems got onto my nerves!
Few popular events you can witness everyday from people: armpits, crotch and ass scratching… One particularly noxious habit occurs when people wash their hands and dry them on the back of their ass and then use the same hand to pick up food on the table. It is also particularly disgusting to see people licking their fingers and use their hands to share food on the table! I usually decline any food after seeing that!
Finally I hate it when people, who have glasses on, look at you from above their frames, it makes them strecth their face in an “old lady” fashion way that is particularly ugly! You can then see their globular eyes!