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I am sure I had at least 4 more white hair due to the last two days of stress. I am recovering today and I could not wake up to go to the swimming pool. Rallez woke me up my two times yesterday from 7-9 pm because of the new fridge the owner is buying for us. Since I stay home most of the time, they gave me instructions. After that I stayed up until 11 pm and enjoyed the new digital channels. So many movies to watch during the evening now. I need to find a way to get the channels in my room!

It’ s funny how all little annoying events converged when I am stressed:

1. I ran out of cash yesterday

2. I forgot my bus tickets

3. I was lost

4. The stupid visa card has not arrived yet

5. I had to buy a new pair of professional shoes with my last 20 Euro bill! because the store did not have a visa card reader that can read Australian visa card type

This is why it is always recommended to avoid me when I am stressed!


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