WordPress 2.5

Filed Under Daily

My blog got an update. It is almost invisible except that the thumbnails have their dimensions changed! With a colder weather, I have to put on 2-3 layers of clothes. It makes me feel weird after many years in short and T-shirt. I have the impression of being heavier and that I can not move my arms the way I want; I have added few stretching session to my evening routine.

I am targeting many financial institutions for my job hunt. Let’s keep fingers crossed. I am sure I will find one. Today is payday in Australia :). I will receive my salary regularly until the beginning of June! I am very happy I could manage that. That means about 5300 AUD to come and more in my super funds. Without cash at hands, I doubt I could do what I am doing. I will always keep that in mind concerning my next move. TONS of cash that is the only way to ensure a total independence!!!!


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