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…stands for Personal Public Service Number. It is a number everyone needs to work in Ireland. As an EU citizen member, I needed to provide my French passport and my rental agreement. I will get it next week or so. Then I can apply for a bank account. In order to open a bank account I would need either a PPS number or a phone/electricity bill. Strangely the rental contract isn’t accepted as a proof of address. I think the woman working at the bank did not know what she is talking about. Anyway, I will need this PPS number in order to work here. That is I think how everything official will start.
I had to change my swimming style since I do not have the nice pull-buoy I had in Australia anymore. My shoulders hurt as hell after these 6 kms. I am sure I will be much faster than I was in Australia now. I spent a lot of time looking for a swim cap. I had 6 in Australia, but I forgot to bring one with me. A 6 months membership to the pool only costs me 195 Euros. Which is the same thing in Brisbane, but there, I have to share my lane with at least 2 other people.