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The doctor showed me my enormous molar 16! Who could guess teeth have such enormous roots. They are almost twice the size of the tooth and quite long compared to the visible part of the tooth. The young doctor was proud of himself and he showed me the cyst that came along with the extracted tooth. It was attached to the end of one of the root. The post-surgical treatment consist of stopping the bleeding with bandages (to be replaced every hour or so), resting and eating something soft. For the next five days, I am on antibiotics. I am feeling much better after a night of rest, I slept like a baby. I only did 5.2 kms today including a 1 km without paddles and pull-buoy. It is strange though, I feel a bit of fever, my muscles do ache a bit as if I had the flu.
Also for the very first time of my life my mind went blank for few seconds. The doctor had to call me several times to get my attention. It was a funny feeling. I wish I can experience more of these. I did not hear or see him, I saw some white shapes in my mind and there was no sound at all. When I got out of my torpor, I could hear the dentist’s voice first from far away then I was back to the room. Exactly like in movies!