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MARCH 27 2008 at 14:45
Filed Under Daily
That is the date/time when I will take my plane at Brisbane Airport to fly back to Paris!
Arrival at Charles-de-Gaule Airport: Friday 28 at 6:55 am
I put my paddles and my pull-buoy aside today because there were too many slow people in the lane and I was going too fast for them. Even without these gears I was still faster. I surprised myself with a non stop 1.2 kms freestyle. I wasn’t really feeling bad. Then I did some sets with the squad and I impressed myself more with my own speed. I am not used to their intense exercises but I am sure I can hold with a bit of training. Most of them could see me and I am sure they noticed I was “faster” than some of them :). I should add that to my routine: 2 kms without and then finish 4 kms with paddles and pull-buoy.
I slept very well and I am feeling very good!