I went out last night with friends from the hiking group to the first social event. The restaurant was really nice, completely packed. The entire street was full of life and nice little restaurants. I never ventured too far away from Toowong or Indooroopilly …sometimes in Auchenflower near the city. I would warmly recommend Oxford Street to anyone living in Brisbane. The easiest way to go there is to take the Citycat and stop at Bulimba.



One Response to “Thai Pochana Caffe”

  1. The German on January 20th, 2008 8:51 am

    Hey, just thought I’d let you know…some more delays came up in my flight schedule (stupid airlines) and I’ll be back on the morning of 21st, not 20th.
    So tomorrow.
    Am currently enjoying my 15 hours’ stay in Changi airport. I wonder how long til I get bored…

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