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My Golden Cage!
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After March 31 2008, my life will be taking a new direction. I will leave my pseudo comfort zone, my “golden cage”, for an unknown new path. Every time my life has changed dramatically, it’s always been for a better way of life. I am hoping it will continue. I came to like Brisbane as a city. It is quite funny the contrast between Brisbane and Manhattan. Moving from a megapole like New York to a small city like Brisbane was a shock. My first thought then was that Brisbane was too “small”. My personal list of cities in order of preference remains:
Lyon-San Francisco-Chicago-New York-Brisbane-Sydney
What about Saigon and Jouy le Moutier !
It is not possible to compare Jouy Le Moutier or Saigon with the other cities…different scale!
et versailles ?… 😛
Versailles…I actually never really enjoyed it much. My life there can be summarized to the school, Hoche, where I spent most of my time!