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This is about the time again. I really hate it when it comes. My hair is getting too long! I doubt I will try the military style again. It takes too long to grow it back and my sister doesn’t like it much.

Nils’ new hobby! If I understand correctly it is a board game but you paint/make your own units the way you want them to be and when you play, they do possess the weapons/attributes you gave them. The whole set costs more than $200…most of it was a BD present (he turned 19 last Saturday!). […]

James Blunt’s new album. I like to listen to his songs when I am sad. This new album is not as good as the first one. Same style…I really like the album’s cover, very artistic! I see it everyday at the bus stop.

Red eyes!

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Poor eyes! First, one hour and half in chlorinated water, then eight hours in front of the computer, then one hour of RoN, there you go… red eyes.

Yes this is how I know for sure the summer is here in Australia! The first mosquito’s bite last Saturday and today two pictures to prove it. I will get better shots next time. It is either them dead or me getting bitten!

Nils, cooking and of course surfing on the web. I think the first thing we did, when he came to this place, was to setup his internet connection. Since then he has spent most of his time going around with his laptop.

Here it is. After the french and the american one, here is my australian driving license. It costs me 64 aud and it is valid for 5 years! I haven’t had any accident for 5 years!

Cactus mix!

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It is a short and sad story: me and plants! They all die one way or another (the possum is the main culprit!). I have decided to try a cactus mix and put them to the test. If the possum eats them then I will no longer try to have a plant on my balcony.

To start with a good and smooth swim with not many unpleasant swimmers ( fat ugly slow type). A very pretty woman was all smiling and asking me what I was listenning to as music at the end. She was impressed with the Finis underwater mp3 player but was afraid of trying when I offered. […]


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Nikon D200 vs Canon EOS 5D *sigh* If only I can afford both. They both look so sexy!

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