10 straight hours of sleep that was all I needed to recover. No more shoulders injury, no more headaches! I swam like a fish and I contained all the other fast swimmers….feeling much better! 5 small glasses of Feeney! That was the perfect balance to take me to Orpheus’ Kingdom without any disturbing nightmares or […]

6:30 pm

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and I want to go to bed already! So after the X-ray, it seems that I have the same problem as with the other molar. It is sad! The doctor was an absolute idiot. He proposed three options: wait’nsee, remove the molar, kill the tooth and maybe loose the crown in the process but it […]

There is a real desire for changes in me. I would really like to find something to fight for, something to live for and not just live my everyday in such a meaningless way. My life is okay but it is not how I see it in the future. I went to Daniela’s BD party […]

Things I hate My neighbor’s grumpy voice, the smell of his pots, the stuffs he throws in the backyard! The chinese lady who is slow as hell and who keeps on jumping in the fast and medium lanes. Didn’t she see all people who passed her? Food smell especially when it is from people’s clothes […]

It’s been a while now that I am all alone again in this huge apartment. Before Nils came I had a month and half by myself. I thought at that time that I would really live alone until the end of my contract and stop sharing for good. It took me a while to find […]

That is all I am thinking about the last few days. Usually I do not do anything special and I do not care much about Christmas and New Year Holidays but this year is a bit special. I do not seem to have any serious matter to deal with until then and I really look […]

A rest!

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This weekend has been a good rest for my body. I had plenty of sleep and I didn’t do anything physically intense on Saturday besides the morning swim. I won’t attend the biweekly hiking event today, I already did the walk two times and it looks like no one really wants to attend it either […]

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