It’s been a while now that I am all alone again in this huge apartment. Before Nils came I had a month and half by myself. I thought at that time that I would really live alone until the end of my contract and stop sharing for good. It took me a while to find Nils, I had a lot of interviews with many people, most of them are weird. It was very unpleasant to sit there and tell them who I am and what I expect as flatmate. I should admit I did not care much so I was extremely sincere in my speech. It all ended in a very good way. After few days I will loose this habit of expecting to see the light from Nils’ room at 1-2 am when I go to the bathroom. We really have different schedules.

Very nice swim this morning! I will follow my bid on ebay. Hopefully I will get a good deal for the items I want to buy. I will defrost the noisy fridge today. I wanted to do it for a while now. Relax is the keyword for today.


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