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3 years in Australia!
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Unbelievable but time flies so fast! I really have the impression it’s been only few months ago since I landed in Brisbane International Airport. All these flatmates I shared with, two taiwanese students (1 month and half); a profession worker called Hugo Marais (7 months); a german couple (4 months); a UQ student called Marco (4 months); an australian girl (3 months), a UQ post-doc called Tom (9 months) and finally Nils.
My life would have been totally different if I had stayed in New York. It is impossible to say now if it would be better. Where to go next then? I wish I can predict that next location so I do not have to worry about it. I am a bit tired of wandering around the world and not knowing where I will be after 5 years. I think I have never stayed in the same location for more than 5 years since I left my house at the age 18. I am currently looking towards Quebec and Canada job market.